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How to Clean Pet Urine & Odor After My Pet Wets the Bed

It is not uncommon for small children to wet the bed, but pets can also suffer from bedwetting. This could be due to insufficient housetraining, medical issues, or stress. Pet Urine is concentrated and needs to be cleaned immediately.

Why do Cats & Dogs pee in the bed?

Medical disorders in dogs and cats might lead them to wet the bed. A pet who develops bedwetting problems unexpectedly should be checked by a veterinarian right immediately. Urinary tract infections, renal disease, bladder stones, and diabetes all have the potential to impair a pet’s ability to hold urine. Furthermore, housebreaking a dog can be time-consuming and challenging. Young puppies need to be let out every 2 hours, while adult dogs should be let out at least 3-5 times each day.

Pets do not often pee the bed out of spite or rage. While dogs may pee the bed while too happy, bedwetting is more common when an animal feels vulnerable or terrified. Cats wet the bed when they are scared or anxious, particularly when they are exposed to a new setting. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety may be scared to go outside without their owners or too nervous to retain their urine while their owners are away. Bedwetting is also common in multi-pet families when dogs desire to claim their territory.

Urine From Humans vs. Urine From Animals

The primary distinction between human and pet pee is that pet urine is more concentrated and has a stronger odor than human urine. The urine of dogs and cats smells strongly of ammonia, a poisonous chemical that irritates the nose and lungs. As the urine dries, the ammonia becomes more concentrated and crystallizes. Ammonia can produce runny noses, red eyes, rashes, and itchy skin if exposed for an extended period of time. Airway irritation can aggravate asthma, bronchitis, and COPD.
Pet urine has a strong odor that attracts insects, and moist bedding can soon become breeding grounds. Bedbug and mite bites can produce allergic reactions such as itching skin, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Scratching the bites can result in skin infections and, in rare cases, life-threatening allergic responses.

Bedbugs can transmit bacteria and infect humans via their bites. MRSA and VRE are two forms of germs that bedbugs can transmit. They are resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. MRSA and VRE can make healthy individuals sick, but people with compromised immune systems can get critically ill. Leptospirosis, which can produce flu-like symptoms, can be found in dog urine. Severe cases can result in kidney or liver damage. The American Veterinary Medical Association advises pet owners to use a household disinfectant and disposable gloves to rapidly clean up urine.

The Best Way to Clean Dog Urine and Cat Urine

It is critical to clean the mattress right away to avoid mold, lingering odors, and permanent stains. Harsh chemicals, such as bleach, can be dangerous to humans and animals, so choose gentle cleaners instead. Ammonia should not be utilized since it has the same odor as pee to dogs. Wearing gloves is usually a good idea to protect yourself from bacteria and ammonia in the urine. Deodorizers can be used to disguise odors, but their odors might be unpleasant to animals.

The first step is to soak up as much pee as possible with paper towels. Dust baking soda onto the area to soak the urine out of the mattress. As the baking soda absorbs the urine, it will darken in color. When the powder is dry, vacuum it up and replenish it with more baking soda. This procedure should be repeated until there is no more pee to absorb. The baking soda will remain white once you are finished.

After this process, enzyme cleaners made specifically for cleaning pet stains can be used. They will degrade the compounds found in animal urine to eliminate odors. Check the label to ensure that the product is non-toxic. Before replacing the bed linens, if feasible, expose the mattress to sunlight and fresh air.

How to Handle Lingering & Persistent Pet Urine Odors

If pet urine stains are not cleaned immediately, they are more prone to generate persistent odors. A mix of white vinegar and water can be used to remove stains, neutralize odors, and kill bacteria in the mattress. If you don’t like the scent of vinegar, you can add a few drops of lavender oil. After that, let baking soda on the mattress for 8-10 hours to absorb any remaining moisture and odors.

Preventing Future Pet Accidents and Making Clean-Up Easier

Even after the mattress has been cleansed, your pet may detect urine odors. Many animals return to urinate in regions with familiar odors. To avoid future accidents, pet-friendly repellents may be required.

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Positive reinforcement is the most effective method for teaching your animals where to urinate. When your pet goes outdoors or uses the litter box, immediately reward them with a treat or a favorite toy. Punishing your dog or cat for inappropriate urination may cause additional problems because it will likely train them to hide or wet the bed when no one is watching, rather than addressing the issue. Anxious pets may also benefit from soothing tools such as thundershirts, veterinarian-approved pheromone diffusers, or, in severe situations, pharmaceuticals.

Regular veterinary treatment ensures that your beloved pets remain healthy and have bladder control. Neutering male and female pets reduce their hormone levels, as well as the likelihood of them marking their territory and emitting a strong odor. Veterinarians also undertake routine testing to check that your pet’s organs are functioning properly, preventing repeat incidents. If your pet has urinary problems, a veterinary-approved diet may be recommended.

In Conclusion

Dogs and cats are wonderful companions, but no one enjoys cleaning up after a pet has wet the bed. Clean the mattress ASAP To avoid lingering odors and health hazards from bacteria and pests. Clean pet urine as instructed in the following steps.

How To Clean Pet Urine

  1. Remove Bedding and soak up as much pee as possible with a towel.
  2. Cover the urine spot with Baking soda and wait for the Baking Soda to turn yellow
  3. Vacuum the yellow Baking Soda
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until Baking Soda remains white.
  5. Spray spot with Enzyme cleaner (Ex. Natures Miracle or Skouts Honor)
  6. If the smell persists use White Vinegar or Lavender Oil to remove the smell.

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