sanisnooze mattress on the floor blog
sanisnooze mattress on the floor blog

What to Know Before Putting Your Mattress on the Floor

Mattresses typically are placed on a bed frame or box spring to lift them off the ground.  Some people prefer to place their mattresses directly on the floor for health reasons or cultural preferences. Here are some things to consider when deciding where to put your mattress. 

The Benefits of Putting Your Mattress on the Floor

The floors offer a lot of strong support under the mattress in a natural position for keeping the backbone. This can be far more convenient than a frame or a spring of a saggy bed. Floor sleep can alleviate back pain and promote circulation. The warm air rises to the ceiling and is denser and settled on the floor. People in warmer areas may want to sleep on the floor and take advantage of the coolest air in the room.

When parents sleep in a crib, their parents can decide to lay the mattress on the floor for children. Kids, when they roll off the mattress, can enter and go out of bed simply. This solution is also cheaper than buying a baby bed.

Why You Should Not Put Your Mattress on the Floor

To dry perspiration and skin oils that soak in mattresses overnight, air circulation is necessary. The placing of the mattress on the floor reduces airflow and prevents the complete drying of fluids. The underside of the mattress is damp and dark so that the mold can be grown in ideal condition. Within mattresses, mold can ruin the soft products and cause individuals to get very ill.

In beds with insufficient air circulation, mites, bedbugs, and bacteria can also proliferate. A little area of mold or mildew can grow thousands of mold mites into a breeding habitat. Bedbugs or mites bites can cause allergic skin itching reactions, sneezing, and breathing difficulties. Scratching bites may lead to skin diseases and some can cause life threats.

Most of the mattresses have a bed frame or a box spring to rest. The manufacturer might void the warranty if the mattress is placed on the floor. Although the area can be cleaned, the mold and mildew that are grown in a mattress cannot be removed. A contaminated mattress cannot be saved and can cause severe health problems if it sleeps.

Tips for Safely Putting Your Mattress on the Floor

Interior mattresses are advised as moisture and heat are more likely to be trapped by foam mattresses. In order to avoid dust and filth from entering the mattress, the floor must be constantly purified with vacuum or mop. Boards should frequently be washed, and the surface of the column should be checked for mold symptoms. For a brief period of time once a week the mattress should be positioned sideways against the wall for breathing. When the floor is cleaned, the perfect time to accomplish this. Before restoring the mattress, the floor must be totally dry. Every few weeks the mattress should be rotated upwards.

Hardwood floors, tile, and synthetic tapestry are the greatest mattress flooring surfaces since they are cleaned easily. Unfinished flooring and molding retaining moisture and fostering of natural fibers. Old floor spots or dust that may soon destroy the mattress is more likely to contain. Between the mattress and the floor, a nonslide cushion can be placed to maintain it.


The SaniSnoozeTM mattress is an outstanding solution for guests who want the mattress on the floor. The waterproof exterior protects the foam base to make it more comfortable and therapeutic. The SaniSnoozeTM solution for safe sleep on the floor is most convenient and cost-effective.

Our mission at SaniSnooze™ is to get you back to sleep faster. SaniSnooze™ will keep your mattress core clean and dry all night long.